Secure Data Storage Use Cases
Functional Requirements
Store and use data
Only I can see and use the data.
Seach data
I wnat to seach the data, but don't want the sevice provider to know what I'm storing or searching for.
Share data with one or more entities
The storage should only give access to others when I have explicitly given consent for each item.
I want to be able to revoke the access of others at any time.
Replication: Store the same data in more then one place
First time I heardYudai.icon
I want to back up my data across multiple storage locations in case one fails.
These locations can be hosted by different storage provides and can be accessible over different protocols.
I can understand.Yudai.icon
Hoping that no data will be lost?
Backup/ Disaster Recovery
Continuous Replication / Replication on Reconnect
When that instance reconnects, it is expected to hand off all of the changes that occurred while it was disconnecte.
Geogrhaphically Availability
If one of those goes down, read and write traffic can be redirected to the remaining one, with minimal interruption in data availability.
Dicentralized storege solves this?Yudai.icon
Enable storage of semantic data and the ability to retrieve it via a self-describing API
_Offer: Anyone in the world can craol it and create a decentralized app that displays the salable goods.
Oh, wondarful.Yudai.icon
We should define.
Provide a mechanism for receiving and handling a queue of task-based messages.
I can't understood..Yudai.icon
We should be up to data and shared.Yudai.icon
Alice wants to upload executable code or configuration management that sevice providers will run based on an event system.
Similar to systems:
Github, Actions, Zapier, IFTT, OpenFaas
We watch file changes and transpile.
Terminate a relationship with ad sevice provider
Ensure the user can verify or obtain a verifiable certification from service provider that their data has been, if requested purged from the provider's system. = Right to be forgotten(忘れられる権利) Sharding data
Ensure users have the ability to shard their data, or create M of N key scenarios across one or multiple providers. It is important that users can?Yudai.icon
Use Cases
Technical Requirements
Transit(being sent over a network)
Rest(on an storage system)
As much metadata as possible should also be protected, filenames, file sizes, directory topology
Sharing and authorization
Mechanism that enables authorized sharing of encrypted information among one or more entities.
The system should be identifier agnostic.(DID) Versioning and replication
It is expected that information can be backed up on a continous basis.
Metadata and searching
It is important for clients to be able to associate metadata with the data such that it can be searched. & Metadata cncrypiton
At least an HTTPS API must be defined by the specification
Cryptogrhapic Agility
Piror Art
We have to be listed hereYudai.icon*2